The JAMCO Group contributes to comfortable, safe, and secure air travel in the business areas of aircraft interior manufacturing, aircraft components manufacturing, and aircraft maintenance.
We are also working to solve various sustainability issues, including global environmental concerns.
“Coexistence with nature and contributing to a prosperous and progressive society.”
This is a part of our management philosophy. To achieve this, we established the Basic Policy on Sustainability in 2022 and have been promoting sustainability management to contribute to society through our business.
The JAMCO Group will continue to work towards creating a prosperous and sustainable society while emphasizing relationships of trust with our stakeholders.
In August 2021, we instituted a Sustainability Promotion Board (SPB) to further enhance our solutions initiatives.
The SPB is positioned as an internal control organization relating to sustainability by the management, and is constituted by executive officers in charge of Sustainability Promotion, Corporate Planning & Business Development, and Finance & Accounting, with the President of the company as chairperson. At the SPB, we decide crucial policy and important issues (materialities) regarding sustainability that may have an impact on our corporate vision and management strategy, decide on measures and crucial matters relating to these same sustainability concerns, and conduct monitoring and direction of efficacy of overall sustainability efforts. Additionally, we report to the Board of Directors as appropriate regarding such decisions and progress in efforts.
Additionally, SPB promotes sustainability initiatives over the medium to long-term based on ESG (Environmental-Social-Governance) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address environmental issues such as achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
The JAMCO Group strives for coexistence with nature, pursuing people's satisfaction and a prosperous society through business activities, and contributing to society's sustainable development.
・To take on various concerns such as global environmental issues that the global community faces
・To recognize global warming as an urgent issue and engage in every possible measure to reduce the environmental impact
・To seize changes in the business environment as new growth opportunities, and aim for the creation of a sustainable society and improved corporate value through the provision of safer and more reliable products and services
We have installed a Sustainability Promotion Department in our head office organization, which oversees the Group's overall sustainability efforts as the SPB secretariat, guides the efforts of our working group which carries out the practical work of such as materialities in line with SPB policy, and promotes efforts including climate change initiatives. The Executive Officer in charge of the Sustainability Promotion reports periodically to the Board of Directors on progress on these efforts.
The EMS Promotion Committee promotes environmental conservation in line with company regulations and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems.
We have installed an EMS Promotion Committee Secretariat in the Sustainability Promotion Department, with the Executive Officer in charge of the Sustainability Promotion (Environmental Control Supervisor) as committee chairperson, and constituted of all Group General Managers, the Sustainability Promotion Department General Manager (also the Environmental Management Supervisor) and all work site ecology leaders as members.
The CSR Promotion Committee promotes CSR for responding to social concerns overall, including core ISO 26000 themes. We have installed a CSR Promotion Committee Secretariat in the Sustainability Promotion Department, with the Executive Officer in charge of Sustainability Promotion as committee chairperson, and constituted of members representing the Groups responsible for each such social concern and each head office department.

Toshikazu Kimura
Director, Executive Vice President
Executive Officer in Charge of Sustainability Promotion
Regarding “action toward carbon neutrality,” which we have identified as a materiality, we promoted the calculation and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We completed the calculation up to Scope 3 for our company and domestic Group companies. We introduced a new system to enable voluntary management at our sites and reduce the burden of calculation work, which not only improved efficiency, but also enhanced data accuracy. As a result of these efforts, we obtained third-party assurances for our greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) for FY2023. Going forward, we will continue to strive for continuous improvement, such as by further enhancing calculation accuracy and expanding the calculation scope to overseas sites.
In addition, to reduce GHG emissions, some sites are preparing to introduce renewable energy generation facilities using solar power, and we plan to expand this to more sites in the future.
Based on our human rights policy, we decided to implement human rights due diligence at the Sustainability Promotion Board (SPB), and these efforts have already begun. In FY2023, for the first phase, we analyzed geopolitical risks, local laws and regulations at our Group's overseas sites, and the raw materials we use, and identified areas that require attention and improvement. In FY2024, we plan to expand the target sites, conduct risk assessments and so on, and implement the necessary corrective measures.
Furthermore, securing and developing human resources in the aviation industry has become an important issue, and we recognize that addressing the issue of human capital is an urgent task. We worked towards obtaining the Kurumin Certification recognized by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, and we managed to acquire it at the beginning of FY2024. The Kurumin Certification is given to companies that have formulated a general business owner action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, achieved the goals set forth in the plan, and met certain criteria, certifying them as companies that support child-rearing.
In addition, as part of our health management initiative, starting in FY2023, we decided to fully cover the costs of comprehensive medical checkups for employees at designated medical institutions.
We regularly conduct CSR surveys for our business partners (subcontractors), and in FY2023, we also conducted company visits and opinion exchanges. This has led to sharing of awareness and issues regarding sustainability, and survey scores have steadily improved. We believe this has been a beneficial initiative that will enhance future dialogue.
For the seven materiality items (important issues) identified at the end of the previous fiscal year, we established systems for implementation in Groups and headquarters in FY2023 to work towards positive solutions. We also launched and promoted a project focusing on materiality related to carbon neutrality, resource circulation, and human capital management. This project delved deeper into how each department is involved with materiality, how they will address it in the future, current situation analysis, and the direction of responses.