Since its founding, the JAMCO Group has contributed to comfortable, safe, and secure air travel by providing aircraft maintenance, and manufacturing and servicing of interior furnishings, aircraft parts and components. We are also engaging with solutions for many social concerns as time goes on, including the environment.

In August 2021, we instituted a Sustainability Promotion Board (SPB) and have promoted sustainability efforts to further enhance our solutions initiatives.

Promoting Sustainability Management

The JAMCO Group’s Basic Principles of Management mandates that we help build a sustainable world through business operation promoting sustainability efforts aimed at realizing our management philosophy of “striving for coexistence with nature, contributing to a prosperous and progressive society.” We will also contribute going forward to building an affluent and sustainable society while focusing on relations of trust with all of our stakeholders on a foundation of sustainability management.

Sustainability Management

The SPB is positioned as an internal control organization relating to sustainability by the management, and is constituted by executive officers in charge of Sustainability Promotion, Corporate Planning & Business Development, and Finance & Accounting, with the President of the company as chairman. At the SPB, we decide crucial policy and important issues (materialities) regarding sustainability that may have an impact on our corporate vision and management strategy, decide on measures and crucial matters relating to these same sustainability concerns, and conduct monitoring and direction of efficacy of overall sustainability efforts. Additionally, we report to the Board of Directors as appropriate regarding such decisions and progress in efforts.

Additionally, we promote sustainability initiatives over the medium to long-term based on ESG (Environmental- Social-Governance) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address environmental issues such as achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

Basic Sustainability Policy

The JAMCO Group strives for coexistence with nature, pursuing people’s satisfaction and a prosperous society through business activities, and contributing to society’s sustainable development.

・To take on various concerns such as global environmental issues that the global community faces 
・To recognize global warming as an urgent issue and engage in every possible measure to reduce the environmental impact 
・To seize changes in the business environment as new growth opportunities, and aim for the creation of a sustainable society and improved corporate value through the provision of safer and more reliable products and services 

Sustainability Efforts Promotion Framework

We have installed a Sustainability Promotion Department in our head office organization, which oversees the Group’s overall sustainability efforts as the SPB secretariat, guides the efforts of our working group which carries out the practical work of such as materialities in line with SPB policy, and promotes efforts including climate change initiatives. The Executive Officer in charge of the Sustainability Promotion reports periodically to the Board of Directors on progress on these efforts.

EMS Promotion Committee

The EMS Promotion Committee promotes environmental conservation in line with company regulations and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems. We have installed an EMS Promotion Committee Secretariat in the Sustainability Promotion Department, with the Executive Officer in charge of the Sustainability Promotion (Environmental Control Supervisor) as committee chairman, and constituted of all Group General Managers, the Sustainability Promotion Department General Manager (also the Environmental Management Supervisor), and all work site ecology leaders as members.

CSR Promotion Committee

The CSR Promotion Committee promotes CSR for responding to social concerns overall, including core ISO 26000 themes. We have installed a CSR Promotion Committee Secretariat in the Sustainability Promotion Department, with the Executive Officer in charge of Sustainability Promotion as committee chairman, and constituted of members representing the Groups responsible for each such social concern and each head office department.

SDGs Initiatives

As part of its focus on the SDGs, JAMCO conducted SDGs themed educational activities to raise company-wide awareness and ensure that an understanding of these goals permeates its corporate culture. Going forward, we will continue to examine the correlation of business activities in alignment with the SDGs and strive to fulfill these goals through our business activities.

CSR Promotion

At our company, the CSR Promotion Committee takes the lead in promoting and overseeing company-wide CSR activities. The CSR Committee is chaired by the Executive Officer in charge of promoting sustainability. CSR Committee meetings are regularly held to plan, review CSR promotion activities and disseminate educational training and information on CSR.

Materiality (Important Issues)

Identification of Materiality

Materiality was identified while ensuring consistency with JAMCO Vision 2030 and Action Plan 2030 (“AP2030”), which describe the future state of society that the company will strive to bring about. As such, facilitating the setting and achievement of specific goals and KPIs in a well-coordinated manner with JAMCO’s management plans will lead to successful JAMCO Vision 2030 execution.

On each of the identified materiality topics, specific measures and policy are clearly defined, for each of which the final milestone to be achieved by 2030 is specified along with the milestones that JAMCO aims to accomplish during each of the three-year periods leading up to 2030. Then specific actions are planned and executed based on the business plan for each of the fiscal years involved.

Materiality Identification Process

The JAMCO Group followed the three-step process as described below in order to determine which materiality topics it should focus on, from among a wide range of social issues. Then, it decided that the seven materiality issues as specified below are of particular importance, as they are linked to value creation. ①. Action toward carbon neutrality (technological development conducive to carbon neutrality; productivity improvement, etc. to reduce GHG emissions; and active utilization of renewable energy) ②. Intensified action to facilitate resource circulation ③. Achievement of comfort, ease, and peace of mind in transport spaces ④. Enhancement of trusting relationships with our supply chain ⑤. Creation of lively workplaces (development of a work environment where employees can perform their jobs in a lively manner). As for the materiality topics that are linked to the construction of JAMCO’s business foundation, the following have been identified. ⑥. Contribution to society and local communities ⑦. Enhancement of organizational resilience.

Materiality Matrix

Policies and Actions for Addressing Materiality

Stakeholder Engagement

In carrying out its business activities, JAMCO strives to be a sincere corporation trusted by all stakeholders, including customers, clients, shareholders, local communities, and employees, and carries out sustained dialogue with all stakeholders. We precisely ascertain opinions and expectations for our Group, and take them into account in our business activities, thereby working toward positive engagement with our stakeholders.