The JAMCO Group is working on environmental protection, including energy and resource conservation, contributing to a sustainable society both environmentally and economically, including research and development toward providing products and services with low environmental impact.

Basic Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Policies

Basic Policy

JAMCO proactively engages in conservation activities to preserve the global environment through business activities. Accordingly, we have established the Basic Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Policies based on our management philosophy and basic policies on sustainability.

Basic Environmental Philosophy

Global environmental conservation for the survival
of human beings is a common desire throughout
the entire world.
As a company operating globally, the JAMCO
Group positions global environmental issues as one
of the most important management issues,
and we will contribute widely to society conducting
corporate activities as a company that is friendly to
the global environment and is capable of
coexisting with richness.

Environmental Policies

On the basis of the Basic Environmental Philosophy, JAMCO undertakes to protect the global environment in accordance with the following Environmental Policies.

1. We will accurately comprehend environmental impacts arising from all business activities, plan for sustained improvement in activities with consideration for global environmental protection, and work to prevent environmental pollution. 
2. We will comply with laws, ordinances, regulations, and other requirements relating to environmental protection. 
3. We will assess the environmental impact of our business activities, and set and periodically review environmental targets for activities for which we make improvements in significant environmental terms, thereby promoting environmental protection. 
4. We will proactively undertake energy conservation as a global warming preventative policy in our business activities, thereby working to reduce our environmental footprint. 
5. We will inform all officers, employees, and concerned parties of our Environmental Policies and educate them about the environment, thereby effecting greater awareness of environmental protection activities. 

Environmental Management System

Environmental Conservation Activities Promotion System

We are building an environmental protection activities promotion system to realize our Basic Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Policies. Our environmental protection initiatives are conducted primarily on the basis of internal regulations in compliance with ISO14001, the Environmental Management System (EMS), and we have secured ISO14001 certification for our head office and our Aircraft Components Manufacturing Group.

Our President defines our Basic Environmental Philosophy, and the Executive Officer in charge of Sustainability Promotion supervises companywide environmental protection initiatives and conducts management reviews in accordance with said Philosophy as Chairman of the EMS Promotion Committee. We have established specific facilities within each district to perform environmental conservation activities as an integrated unit, with the facilities’ Environmental Committees promoting these activities in an organized manner. Each facility sets individual environmental targets for every fiscal year as objectives to achieve during the financial year. The facilities work on continuous improvements related to the targets by systematically promoting environmental conservation activities and checking their progress through internal environmental audits. Facilities that have received ISO14001 certification undergo conformity assessments through periodic reviews by a certification body.

Environmental Conservation System

Environmental Audit System

In order to improve environmental conservation activities, internal and external audits are carried out periodically to confirm whether the activities are being performed appropriately in conformance with associated requirements, and if they are being maintained in an effective manner.

The internal environmental auditing team is made up of internal auditors who fulfill qualification requirements that are determined by internal regulations. Internal environmental audits follow an audit plan and check sheet. We focus on onsite audits that verify the consistency between administrative procedures and how activities are being results of each audit into individual reports and requesting that corrective action be taken for non-compliant items. Every financial year we summarize the results of the internal audits and reflect them in the management review. 

ISO14001 certified facilities maintain the certifications through annual examinations by external auditors for compliance with the standard’s requirements.

Environmental Action Plans

Carrying Out Environmental Protection Activities Continuity Plans

Environmental conservation activities throughout the year are summarized by management review, and issues are reviewed for improvement. For the important action items decided through the review, each facility continuously performs the PDCA cycle: Planning of environmental targets/ implementation plans/measures (Plan), implementation of measures (Do), confirmation and implementation result reports on the achievement of environmental targets (Check), and management review (Action). Through such continuous efforts, in response to various movements and changes in the environment, we are encouraging environmental awareness among officers and employees throughout the company.

Management of Environmental Impact Assessment and Regulatory Compliance

We extract the aspects of our business activities that affect the environment, and in particular those items requiring improvements or special control under environmental laws and regulations are deemed to be significant environmental aspects. Areas which require adherence to laws and regulations, such as “emergency situations” and “wastewater,” independent standards are established and periodic checks are made to strengthen control measures.

Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impact

Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impact in Business Activities

JAMCO specializes in the aircraft sector and is engaged in the manufacture and repair of aircraft interior products and components, and the maintenance and modification of aircraft and aircraft equipment. The figure at right shows the overall picture of energy and resource inputs into our business activities and products and environmental impact outputs resulting from these activities as a material balance. In conducting our business, we consume many resources and discharge various substances. We strive to quantitatively grasp our environmental burden in order to reduce it in inputs and outputs alike.

As it becomes increasingly important to address global environmental issues, we are working hard to further reduce our environmental impact.

Material Balance
Material Balance

Energy-saving Initiatives

We are working to reduce our energy consumption by driving energy conservation and efficiency in our production processes, and by reducing fuel consumption through such means as using inverters in our production equipment, air conditioning systems, lighting fixtures, and air compressors.

Energy consumption was reduced at each facility in FY2022 by adopting high-efficiency air conditioning equipment and high-efficiency operation thereof. Consumption was further reduced by reviewing which facilities were still using mercury vapor and fluorescent lighting and replacing those with LED lighting fixtures (reductions in energy consumption: 50% or greater by switching from fluorescent to LED).

In FY2022, 1,510 mercury vapor and fluorescent lighting fixtures were replaced with LEDs, reducing the number of mercury vapor and fluorescent lighting fixtures in use to 1,069 as of the end of March 2023, as per the following chart. Through the aforementioned energy conservation activities, including lighting fixture replacements, energy consumption in FY2022 was reduced to 1,898.0kl, 3.9% lower than the 1,974.4kl in FY2021, thus achieving the target of 1% or greater reduction.

Additionally, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in FY2022 were reduced to 3,545t, 2.2% less than the 3,626t in FY2021.

Replacing Lighting Fixtures with LED Lighting
(FY2022 Plans and Results)

* 80W/unit fluorescent lighting replaced with 37W/unit LED lighting fixtures, etc.
* Excludes Yotsuya and Higashimatsuyama facilities, which operate as tenants
* Head Office and Sendai facility have been fully switched over to LED lighting fixtures.

Mercury Vapor and Fluorescent Lighting Usage
as of March 31, 2023

Energy Reduction Measure Implementation Status

Water Resources Initiatives

Water conservation efforts have been implemented throughout the company with the goal of reduce the water usage in business activities.

Waste Reduction Initiatives

We are undertaking to reduce and recycle waste, as well as contain and optimally manage chemical discharges. In FY2022 we proceeded with resource recycling initiatives, including increasing our recycling rate by 11%.

Based on the concept of the 3Rs of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, wastes generated from business activities are classified into waste (general and industrial waste disposed of into landfills), recyclable materials (general and industrial recyclable waste), and valuable resources. The discharge status of waste and recyclable materials is as follows.

Reduction of Waste and Recycle Rate Improvement

Thorough Separation Control 
We thoroughly sort and collect waste by type of material, convert metals and paper (copy paper, cardboard, newspaper, etc.) to valuable resources, thereby working on promoting recycling and reducing waste. 


Recycle Rate Improvement 
Turning to increasing recycling rates, we are undertaking to increase the types of items which can be recycled, via material and thermal recycling, by investigating and consulting with waste disposal subcontractors. 


Proper Waste Management 
JAMCO continues to implement initiatives to reduce waste based on the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) concept. 

Additionally, the company conducts frequent on-site surveys of and collects information from waste disposal subcontractors to confirm that the disposal of waste products is being carried out appropriately. The information includes ascertaining disposal processes, control of manifests and other records, and certification renewal. 


Equipment Containing PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl) 
As of December 2016, JAMCO had disposed of all PCBcontaining equipment. Further investigations in January 2022 into use of equipment containing PCBs revealed that three such devices were still in use, however. These were disposed of in FY2022, and the safety of said disposal verified in May 2023. 

Management of Chemical Substances

Chemical substances used in our business activities are regulated by laws and regulations depending on their properties, risk, hazard, etc. Regarding particularly high-risk substances, we set up management procedures in our internal regulations and control them appropriately, to ensure stability of contents and accurate inventory. In addition, workers actually handling chemical substances possess the necessary qualifications and are working properly in accordance with management procedures.

Promotion of Green Procurement

In order to continuously address environmental concerns in all corporate activities and reduce environmental burdens in the life cycle of products being produced and sold, JAMCO has established “Green Procurement Standards” by which we are committed to procuring materials and products with minimal environmental impact.

Proper CFC Management

CFCs used in air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, etc., in our buildings contain substances that emit GHGs. We have made a list from the standpoint of preventing global warming and periodically inspect these for malfunctions, etc.

Additionally, we carry out tasks of filling and recovering CFCs on refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, etc. installed in aircraft, having received Class I Fluorocarbon Filling and Recovery Operator registration.