The JAMCO Group constantly undertakes to respect the human rights of all persons in its business. In order to continue to be “a sincere company that respects people,” JAMCO will support the growth of all employees supporting the Group, and promote a workplace environment where everyone can actively work.

Respect for Human Rights

Basic Policy

Per our Compliance Code, JAMCO Group pledges to observe applicable laws, international rules, internal regulations, and other regulations, and behave properly in accordance with firm ethical standards and a sincere social conscience. On the basis of this code, we observe Japanese laws and ordinances in accordance with our respect for the rights denoted in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, prohibiting any and all discrimination on ethnicity, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, etc., as well as child labor, forced or excessive labor, and harassment. We also respect the fundamental rights of employees, including freedom of association, collective bargaining, and a minimum wage. We also call on these matters to be observed throughout our supply chain.

Promotion Structure

The CSR Promotion Committee centrally supervises matters relating to labor and human rights for the Group. With the Executive Officer in charge of Sustainability Promotion as Chairman, the CSR Promotion Committee convenes periodically and otherwise as required to promote overall activities relating to human rights, including training and responses to risks to such rights.

Human Rights Policy

The JAMCO Group, to achieve its management philosophy and maintain sustainable growth, will fulfill its responsibility to respect fundamental human rights by the following.

1. Promote initiatives that respect fundamental human rights based on international standards*, and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society. 
2. Comply with the laws of the countries and regions that we do business in based on international standards. 
3. To refrain from acting in ways that have a negative effect on human rights. 
4. To take immediate steps to begin the remediation process in cases where our actions have a negative effect on human rights, or where we have had a hand in such an effect. 
5. Operate internal or external hotlines for reporting the discovery of negative effects on human rights. 
6. Reduce and avoid risks that could result in negative effects on human rights. 
7. Promote human rights awareness activities that target all JAMCO Group officers and employees. 
8. Require our business partners to respect human rights and to work to avoid doing anything that may have a negative effect on those rights. 
9. Disclose information about human rights issues related to our business activities and discuss them with stakeholders as appropriate. 

* ”International standards” refers to ‘international standards regarding business and human rights’ that are represented by the following:
・ Universal Declaration of Human Rights & International Covenants on Human Rights (United Nations) 
・ ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles & Rights at Work (International Labor Organization/ILO)
・ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (United Nations) 

Whistleblowing and Inquiries Regarding Human Rights

The JAMCO Group operates reporting points appropriately and undertakes continually to build efficacious policies to allow prompt discovery and correction of human rights violations.

We have established internal and external compliance hotlines (contact points for whistleblowing and consultation and inquiries concerning harassment, etc.), which accept anonymous inquiries. Staffers with a strict duty to uphold confidentiality, for consultation both internally and externally, strive to respond to whistleblowing and inquiries as sincerely and promptly as possible in cooperation with relevant internal departments and external consultants and attorneys. Our internal regulations, which stipulate specific operating procedures, mandate the protection of whistleblowers to prevent unfavorable treatment toward them, as well as periodic training and other methods to ensure accurate understanding and widespread awareness of the whistleblowing and consultation hotlines and how to contact them. They also require that efforts be made to improve operation. These regulations have been significantly expanded in response to Japan’s revised Whistleblower Protection Act, which came into effect in June 2022.

Human Rights Assessment

Investigations of Risks Relating to Human Rights

We undertake assessments of risks relating to human rights in 25 key categories*1 for corporations to be aware of relating to human rights and corporate activities with reference to primary human rights international rules and frameworks to comprehensively and systematically ascertain and analyze internal human rights risks. We devise measures and promote initiatives based on current findings. We also carry out sustained efforts for the protection of the human rights of workers throughout our businesses and supply chains as well as within our Group, based on a policy of rejecting any human rights violations, particularly including but not limited to child labor, forced labor, oppression, harassment, discrimination, or violence. We conduct annual CSR surveys of those we do business with, including a risk assessment relating to human rights. 
*1 Cited in “Responding to ‘Business and Human Rights’,” published by the Human Rights Bureau, Ministry of Justice 

Human Rights Instruction Efforts

In its efforts at instruction relating to human rights, JAMCO Group distributes its Compliance Handbook to all officers and employees. It presents Guidelines for Action relating to respect for basic human rights as follows.

・We respect the basic human rights of persons whom we come in contact with in any and all situations. 
・We do not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, creed, sex, age, socioeconomic status, place of origin, sickness, disability, etc. Nor do we discriminate on the basis of gender or against sexual minorities. 

In our regular business activities, there are opportunities for contact with persons having various outlooks and values, including customers, business associates, and persons in our local communities, as well as our coworkers on the job. As a foundation of social responsibility, we instruct our employees to meet with all persons with mutual understanding and respect and dignity, rather than rejection.