The JAMCO Group constantly undertakes to respect the human rights of all persons in its business. In order to continue to be “a sincere company that respects people,” JAMCO will support the growth of all employees supporting the Group, and promote a workplace environment where everyone can actively work.

Respect for Human Rights

Basic Policy

Per our Compliance Code, JAMCO Group pledges to observe applicable laws, international rules, internal regulations, and other regulations, and behave properly in accordance with firm ethical standards and a sincere social conscience. On the basis of this code, we observe Japanese laws and ordinances in accordance with our respect for the rights denoted in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, prohibiting any and all discrimination on ethnicity, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, etc., as well as child labor, forced or excessive labor, and harassment. We also respect the fundamental rights of employees, including freedom of association, collective bargaining, and a minimum wage. We also call on these matters to be observed throughout our supply chain.

Human Rights Policy

The JAMCO Group, to achieve its management philosophy and maintain sustainable growth, will fulfill its responsibility to respect fundamental human rights by the following.

  1. Promote initiatives that respect fundamental human rights based on international standards*, and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society. 
  2. Comply with the laws of the countries and regions that we do business in based on international standards. 
  3. To refrain from acting in ways that have a negative effect on human rights. 
  4. To take immediate steps to begin the remediation process in cases where our actions have a negative effect on human rights, or where we have had a hand in such an effect. 
  5. Operate internal or external hotlines for reporting the discovery of negative effects on human rights. 
  6. Reduce and avoid risks that could result in negative effects on human rights. 
  7. Promote human rights awareness activities that target all JAMCO Group officers and employees. 
  8. Require our business partners to respect human rights and to work to avoid doing anything that may have a negative effect on those rights. 
  9. Disclose information about human rights issues related to our business activities and discuss them with stakeholders as appropriate. 

* ”International standards” refers to ‘international standards regarding business and human rights’ that are represented by the following:
・ Universal Declaration of Human Rights & International Covenants on Human Rights (United Nations) 
・ ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles & Rights at Work (International Labor Organization/ILO)
・ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (United Nations) 

Promotion Structure

The CSR Promotion Committee centrally supervises matters relating to labor and human rights for the Group. With the Executive Officer in charge of Sustainability Promotion as Chairperson, the CSR Promotion Committee convenes periodically and otherwise as required to promote overall activities relating to human rights, including training and responses to risks to such rights.

Whistleblowing and Inquiries Regarding Human Rights

The JAMCO Group operates reporting points appropriately and undertakes continually to build efficacious policies to allow prompt discovery and correction of human rights violations.
We have established internal and external compliance hotlines (contact points for whistleblowing and consultation and inquiries concerning harassment, etc.), which accept anonymous inquiries. Staffers with a strict duty to uphold confidentiality, for consultation both internally and externally, strive to respond to whistleblowing and inquiries as sincerely and promptly as possible in cooperation with relevant internal departments and external consultants and attorneys. Our internal regulations, which stipulate specific operating procedures, mandate the protection of whistleblowers to prevent unfavorable treatment toward them, as well as periodic training and other methods to ensure accurate understanding and widespread awareness of the whistleblowing and consultation hotlines and how to contact them. They also require that efforts be made to improve operation.

Human Rights Assessment

Human Rights Due Diligence

The JAMCO Group has begun conducting human rights due diligence in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
In FY2023, we initiated a human rights risk assessment. Going forward, we will conduct human rights risk assessments on the JAMCO Group and our supply chain to gain an understanding of the current situation and actual conditions, with a focus on key human rights issues. In addition, we conduct annual CSR surveys of those we do business with, including a risk assessment relating to human rights.

Human Rights Instruction Efforts

In its efforts at instruction relating to human rights, JAMCO Group distributes its Compliance Handbook to all officers and employees. It presents Guidelines for Action relating to respect for basic human rights as follows.

●We respect the basic human rights of persons whom we come in contact with in any and all situations.
●We do not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, creed, sex, age, socioeconomic status, place of origin, sickness, disability, etc. Nor do we discriminate on the basis of gender or against sexual minorities.

In addition to regular training for officers and employees, in FY2023 we conducted training for management and executives at our overseas Group companies. Awareness of human rights among officers and employees is improving annually.
In our regular business activities, there are opportunities for contact with persons having various outlooks and values, including customers, business associates, and persons in our local communities, as well as our coworkers on the job. As a foundation of social responsibility, we instruct our employees to meet with all persons with mutual understanding and respect and dignity, rather than rejection.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The JAMCO Group will contribute to the Group’s sustainable growth and creation of a better society by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion of human resources, setting up a workplace environment where employees with various backgrounds can play an active role.

Promotion of Work-Life Balance

JAMCO Group has established various systems to promote the work-life balance of our employees in order to create a workplace environment where our diverse human resources can work vigorously and rewardingly, and maximize their abilities.
We have devised a General Employer Action Plan, promoting balancing work with raising children, thereby responding to such matters as questions of returning to work after childcare leave and children on daycare waiting lists. We are establishing an environment at our Tachikawa primary business facility allowing preferential use of the corporate-run daycare center run by tenant owners. We are also adopting telecommuting to respond to employees’ needs regarding childcare, which is widely used by male as well as female employees.
JAMCO will continue to evaluate and enhance the creation of a comfortable work environment together with its employees.

Obtained Kurumin Certification as a Company that Supports Child-rearing

On May 13, 2024, we were notified by the Director of the Tokyo Labor Bureau of our qualification as a general employer that satisfies the standards of Kurumin certification. Kurumin is a certification granted by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare that recognizes companies supporting childcare. It is granted to companies that have formulated a general employer action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, have achieved the goals set in their plan and met certain criteria.

Introduction of GLTD (Group Long-Term Disability) System

We introduced a GLTD system starting in FY2022, creating an environment where employees can enjoy peace of mind as they focus on their recovery if they had become unable to work, helping them to return to work as soon as possible.

General Employer Action Plan

To create an environment where all employees can manage both work and childcare, and can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest. Also, to support the development of the next generation, and to promote activities by female employees, we have formulated the following action plan:

1. Next Generation Development Support 
(Planned period: April 1, 2023– March 31, 2026)

Goal 1:    Introduction of hourly paid leave system
    <Implementation details>
    ● April 2023 onwards - Discussions with labor union, determination of operations and system.


Goal 2:    Provide work experience opportunities to develop human resources for the aviation industry
    <Implementation details>
    ● April 2023 onwards - Holding factory tours, internships, etc.


2. Women’s Activity Promotion Plan 
(Planned period: April 1, 2023–March 31, 2026)

Goal 1:  Increase the percentage of women assistant managers to 10% or more. (9.22% as of March 1, 
    <Implementation details>
    ● April 2023 onwards - Create an environment in which women can work more easily through support for the formation of networks among women, and  through initiatives in femtech. Provide opportunities and training to make women aspire to managerial positions through education, workshops, etc.


Goal 2:  During the plan period, maintain a 100% childcare leave acquisition rate for female employees, while aiming to maintain and improve the childcare leave acquisition rate for male employees (50% or higher) to promote male participation in childcare. 
    <Implementation details>
    ● April 2023 onwards - Thoroughly inform employees about the childcare leave system. Support a smooth return to work for employees taking childcare leave.

Reducing Total Actual Hours Worked

Motivating Employees to Take Annual Paid Vacation

We aim for all employees, including managers, to take 8 or more days of annual paid leave, and the achievement rate as of March 2024 is 100%.

Reducing Overtime

We regularly hold meetings of an Overtime Reduction Council, with participation from both labor and management, aimed at reducing overtime hours. We continue to hold discussions based on the actual situation regarding various issues faced by each organization.

Strict Adherence to Overtime Management based on Plans

We are able to prevent overwork and other problems by simplifying overtime management by employees and managers alike by such attendance system functions as alerts.

Main Work-Life Balance Support Systems and Usage Results (2023)

* Other work-life balance support programs such as Childcare Flexible Work Hours, Overtime Duty Exemption, Late-Night Overtime Exemption, Childcare Leave Returnee Program, Family Care Assistance Leave, etc. are also available.
* Available to full-time employees, part-time employees and contract employees.

Providing Flexible Styles of Work

Labor-Management Relations

In addition to undertaking toward making better workplaces on the basis of coordination between labor and management, we secure work agreements with the JAMCO Labor Union, having sincere discussions on concerns to be resolved and directions for the company to take, including wages, hours, health and safety, and employee welfare and benefits, thereby building a positive trust relationship.
We also periodically convene meetings of the Central Labor-Management Council, where opinions and information are exchanged on various subjects to improve the contents of programs and policies on the basis of attendance by the President and CEO and the rest of core management.
As of the end of FY2023, 698 employees were JAMCO Labor Union members, accounting for 100% of eligible employees.

Establishing Internal Satellite Offices

As part of our policies for realizing flexible styles of work for our employees, we set a target of establishing internal satellite offices in our General Employer Action Plan for April 1, 2021–March 31, 2023, and established our first internal satellite office in our Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing Group in Chofu.

Employment of Those with Disabilities

The JAMCO Group is continuously working to create employment opportunities and promote the active participation of people with disabilities.
Each Group company strives to create a work environment in which people with disabilities can work together in comfort. We are also actively promoting employment at Orange JAMCO Corporation (100% owned by our company; 32 employees as of March 2024), a special subsidiary established in 1999 that is entrusted with auxiliary work within factories. The employment rate of people with disabilities is 3.2% (as of March 2024), well above the legally required rate of 2.3%.
We will continue our efforts to promote the abilities of those with disabilities and increase their motivation to work.

Human Resources Development

Basic Human Resources Development Policy

We consider human resources development the foundation that contributes to realizing our Management Philosophy and sustainable corporate growth, and we are setting down implementation structures, descriptions, etc., for the education and training that are the key policies for said development in our internal regulations and methodically carry out same.
Having made “work through the aviation industry to supply high value-added products and services harnessing rich technical expertise” one of our basic principles of management, JAMCO provides products and services that meet customers’ needs while making ensuring flight safety and enhancing quality our top priority. Honest and fair ethics, specialized and sophisticated knowledge, skill, and ability, and extensive experience are required of human resources that support and realize this. In recent times, there have been concerns such as responding to new risks and creating new business opportunities through such as alterations in industrial structures and advances in digital technologies, and a need has also arisen for human resources capable of responding to such concerns as well. To systematically and continually develop such human resources as these, we are establishing and operating education and training systems, promoting human resource development while reevaluating the substance of such systems as required and as appropriate.

Human Resources Development Program

We have set down implementation programs, educational systems, etc., relating to education and training in our internal regulations for education and training. The educational system consists of the following items. The positioning of each training program is shown in the educational system diagram on the next page.

a. Hierarchical Training

Hierarchical training is configured of entry-level training for newly promoted employees and follow-up training. Its objective is comprehension of the roles expected of these positions, improvement of corresponding abilities, and acquisition of thoughts, techniques, etc., of solving problems confronting them at work.

b. Training by Selection

This is training for selecting candidates for future management and developing them at early opportunities. It imparts realization while making such employees recognize business environments and motivating self-awareness and changes in actions, and aims to improve management abilities.
Another crucial management concern is promoting women’s activity, and we are carrying out training through training programs for female leaders and leadership candidates that motivates them to comprehend and have self-awareness of leadership roles and improves their business skills.

c. Linguistic Training

We conduct various curricula toward improving corporate international competitiveness including overseas dispatch programs, training programs at language schools, e-learning and online English conversation.

d. Specialist Skills Education

We are systematically conducting specialist education by each Group to acquire internal and official qualifications and specialist knowledge, skills, techniques, etc., as required for work.

e. Subject-specific Training

We conduct training as called for with the objective of cultivating general and specialist knowledge in such areas as compliance and information security according to changes in various laws and ordinances, changes in societal conditions and business environments, etc.

f. Self-improvement

We are building programs for self-directed learning in self-improvement, including various types of remote education and e-learning contributing to individual career enhancement and skills improvement.

Educational System Diagram

In recent years, we have been focusing on promoting the following two points in human resource development:

Development of Globally Oriented Human Resources

A crucial concern for our company is the development of globally-oriented human resources capable of exercising leadership on the international stage, such as in business with major US and European aircraft manufacturers and airlines the world over, or in overseas Group facilities.
We are conducting such programs as dispatches to language training programs at US colleges and universities and short-term study abroad at language schools in the Philippines, with the objective of absorbing different cultures and customs, improving language utilization abilities in environments near areas of business, and building a platform as globally-oriented human resources, rather than merely becoming more proficient at languages.

Assistant in Development of DX Human Resources

Citing HRX, or Strategic DX Human Resource Development, as a primary concern in JAMCO Vision 2030, we are striving to build an organization that creates innovation through human resources development and accelerating initiatives.
We have also formed an HRX Working Group and have designed and implemented a human resources development program that will adapt all company officers and employees to the DX era. The program commenced operations as of FY2023.

Human Resources Development and Creating Attractive Workplaces

We believe that each and every one of our employees are the most important management resource, and that employee growth drives JAMCO’s sustained progress. We are undertaking the human resources development that forms the basis thereof and promoting creating an attractive workplace environment where employees can work energetically. We are also instituting a fair and equitable evaluation program whereby employees can work in a highly motivated manner.
We survey employee awareness every two years unless otherwise indicated, and communicate findings companywide, including to management. Turning to annual stress checks, we work to elevate employee satisfaction and engagement, through such as distributing detailed feedback reports to concerned parties and giving guidance on specific measures for improving workplace environments.

Efforts at Human Resources Acquisition and Development

For sustainable growth, we are working to acquire human resources that meet our desired image of having a globally-oriented viewpoint and mindset, being strong-willed and able to think and act on their own, able to cooperate with their surroundings and generate greater power, and striving to the utmost with a sense of responsibility.
We impart our particular image of working at JAMCO in the hiring process through such efforts as symposia, interviews, and keeping in touch with probable recruits, thereby avoiding mismatches after hiring.
Turning to keeping human resources in place, we conduct such policies as new employee support programs and new employee supplemental education to drive improved post-hiring ease of working and job satisfaction.
We also have career development programs in place and operate career rotation programs and succession plans to keep each and every employee’s motivation up and allow them to exercise their abilities.
In terms of benefits, we are establishing such initiatives as providing full-fledged leave programs for work-life balance and services for finding carer support, as well as telecommuting and reduced hours programs, to effect a balance between childcare and caregiving on the one hand and work on the other.

Occupational Safety and Health

Basic Policy on Occupational Safety and Health

Ensuring occupational safety is the most important foundation of our business and a duty to society. JAMCO’s basic policy is to raise awareness of health and safety and create a workplace environment where anyone can work safely and with confidence in good mental and physical health. As organizations that promote health and safety activities, JAMCO has established the Occupational Safety and Health Central Committee, which is chaired by the executive officer in charge of Corporate Administration & Human Resource, as well as an Occupational Safety and Health District Committee for each district, and these organizations work in a methodical manner.

Initiatives on Occupational Safety and Health Priorities

In FY2023, JAMCO strived to create a “safe and secure” working environment and worked on the following priorities.

FY2023 Priorities


1. Provision of health and safety education in order to raise the level of health and safety
2. Strengthening of the employee health management system
3. Mental health care initiatives
4. Raising employee awareness about health
5. Requests to temporary staffing agencies for support and cooperation with health and safety activities

Occupational Safety and Health Management Structure

* In JAMCO, the people in charge of safety and health in each district (supervisors of safety and health managers, safety managers, health managers, safety and health promoters and industrial physicians) are all assigned according to the number of employees.
* JAMCO assigns a dedicated operations chief as stipulated in the Industrial Safety and Health Act of each district.

To protect the health of employees, JAMCO has set in place an environment for maintaining health. This includes providing all employees with education on mental health in addition to mandatory stress checks. We have also made it compulsory for all employees to have physical health examinations, provide support for employees who are over a certain age to have a comprehensive medical checkup, and have established an external helpline that accepts health consultations 24-hours a day.

Responding in a Disaster

We are working to raise employee safety awareness every day, such as by informing employees about how to respond to occupational accidents and earthquake disasters, implementing safety and health education for employees at factory sites, and conducting employee safety confirmation drills.

Safety and Quality

Responsibility to Our Customers

JAMCO contributes to society by providing high quality products and services that meet customer satisfaction, all while prioritizing safety and quality.

Ensure Flight Safety

As the top priority in its Basic Principles of Management, JAMCO spares no effort in working to “Ensure flight safety and strengthen our quality.” Anchored in the aviation industry, we devote infinite consideration to the safety and quality indispensable to expand our business, supplying high added-value products and services positioned to harness our rich technical expertise. This is our bold aspiration to excel as a sustainable corporate entity, thereby contributing to the creation of an equally sound and sustainable social fabric.

Initiatives to Foster a Culture of Safety and to Elevate Our Quality

JAMCO directly contributes to safe operations by manufacturing and maintaining aircraft and aircraft equipment. We strive to improve the quality of our products and services, guarantee safety, and build customer trust by creating a solid framework for the safety and quality management systems of the JAMCO Group, working to foster a culture of safety and to improve quality across the Group, and reliably implement the PDCA cycle.

Our Safety Vision


Principle of Safety First
“Ensuring aviation safety is our Company’s most important foundation and its responsibility to customers and society.”


Principle of Legal Compliance
“We comply with relevant laws and regulations and work together in pursuit of aviation safety.”


Principle of Continuous Improvement of Our Safety  Management System
“In order to ensure aviation safety, all personnel will continue making concerted efforts to administer and improve our safety management system.”

Our Safety Management System

JAMCO works with Group companies to promote aviation safety together. Departments with responsibility for promoting aviation safety take a comprehensive and integrated approach to hazards, risks, and unsafe incidents while all personnel work together to ensure customer safety and drive progress in aviation.

Our Quality Vision


The JAMCO Group will work with a sense of pride and responsibility to deliver high-quality aviation products and services to our customers that instill trust and confidence.

Enhancing Quality Assurance and Inspection Systems

In order to fully ensure quality control, JAMCO is focused on strengthening the quality management system by establishing a good cooperation between the manufacturing, quality assurance, quality audit, and inspection divisions.

Our Quality Management System

JAMCO is actively committed to providing high quality products and services that satisfy customers by establishing, implementing, and maintaining quality policies that align with the business of each organization in accordance with the requirements of JIS Q 9100 and the quality policy established by the top management.

Maintaining and Updating Management System Certification

Our business requires an advanced quality assurance system that is specific to the aerospace industry. So, we have acquired JIS Q 9100 “Quality Management System” and ISO 27001 “Information Security Management Systems” certification, as well as certification from aviation bureaus in Japan and other countries, and are building quality assurance and other systems that are suited to the various demands of our business.
Please see our corporate site for more details on acquisition of certifications.

Supply Chain Management

Procurement Policy

The JAMCO Group has established a procurement policy, requires business partners to comply with it, and promotes CSR activities throughout the entire supply chain.


* The CSR/Sustainable Procurement Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Common SAQ) deepens mutual understanding among all companies involved in the supply chain, and enables them to practice CSR procurement on a global level, by having them answer SAQ questions. It was designed to be consistent with international standards such as the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), ISO 26000, and the GRI.
* The CSR/Sustainable Procurement Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Common SAQ) deepens mutual understanding among all companies involved in the supply chain, and enables them to practice CSR procurement on a global level, by having them answer SAQ questions. It was designed to be consistent with international standards such as the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), ISO 26000, and the GRI.

We conduct CSR surveys to assess the current state of CSR at our Group companies and subcontractors. As we did in FY2021 and FY2022, in FY2023, we conducted surveys using a questionnaire created with reference to the CSR/Sustainable Procurement Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Common SAQ)* formulated by the Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ). We surveyed 56 companies (15 business partners of the Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing Group and 37 business partners of the Aircraft Interiors Group, and four Group companies). The survey results are shown in the figure on the top right.

Responding to Conflict Minerals

Tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold are four minerals (conflict minerals) produced by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding countries, and the funding of armed insurgents causing atrocities in these countries through the sale of these minerals has become an international problem. So as to not facilitate conflicts in those areas, JAMCO declares we do not use materials recognized as conflict minerals, and we are responding appropriately to requests for reviews and reports on conflict mineral regulations from customers.
We are also requesting suppliers of raw materials related to these four kinds of minerals to submit a pledge that the materials we purchase not to contain conflict minerals.

Contribution to Local Communities

Community Volunteering

As member of local communities, the JAMCO Group values its relationships with everyone in those communities. JAMCO promotes volunteering and other social contribution activities such as interaction with local residents, education/academic support, and joint research and development through collaboration with overseas companies.

Food donations to the Tachikawa City Council of Social Welfare

Stakeholder Engagement

In carrying out its business activities, JAMCO strives to be a sincere corporation trusted by all stakeholders, including customers, clients, shareholders, local communities, and employees. We consider dialogue with stakeholders to contribute to our sustained growth and improving medium- to long-term corporate value, and conduct such dialogue proactively. We precisely ascertain opinions and expectations for our Group, and take them into account in our business activities, thereby working toward positive engagement with our stakeholders.