With our management philosophy “JAMCO, a Technology Oriented Company with samurai values ”, we continually aspire to be number one in each of our four core business domains: aircraft interiors, aircraft seats, aircraft components, and aircraft maintenance.  Rooted in this powerful foundation, we spare no time or energy in supporting all feasible aspects of supplying safe and comfortable flight to the general public.

Message from the President

Message from the President & CEO, Koichi Tsunematsu. 読む Message from the President

Company Information

Basic information about our founding, capital, officials, locations, etc. 読む Company Information

Business Overview

Detailed information on our four businesses. 読む Business Overview

Domestic Facilities

Locations and contact information for our domestic sites. 読む Domestic Facilities

Subsidiaries and Affiliates

Locations and contact information for JAMCO group companies. 読む Subsidiaries and Affiliates

Directors and Executive Officers

List of directors, audit & supervisory board members and executive officers. 読む Directors and Executive Officers


Details about the certifications we have obtained. 読む Certifications

Public Recognition and Awards

A record of awards and commendations we have received. 読む Public Recognition and Awards

Corporate Brochure